As I look into my child’s eyes
Brimming with hope and delight
A soul pure, innocent and shy
A bright moonlight on a night sky

How I yearn for him to speak
His words and thoughts, I always seek
Oftentimes I feel selfish
Life before him, I long and reminisce

Many times I question myself why
I have such heavy burden in my life
See this is not for the fainthearted
Extra love and care he ever wanted

He has a lifetime to learn I know
Like the rest of us, although
He’s making me wait a little longer to mend
Please say it’ll be worth it in the end

Yet in such a short period of time
He made us all humble and wise
He turned me into a better person
Maybe he’s my life’s purpose all along

As I look into my child’s eyes
Brimming with hope and delight
I can see clearly now why
Heaven sent me an angel in disguise

I made this poem as advocacy material for my CSN short course.🙂